

I Spilled My Coffee is a place where you will find sometimes comical, sometimes serious, and hopefully a lot a encouragement in-between of the crazy chaotic times that can be parenthood.

Be it the trenches of motherhood, parenthood, marriage, and all that’s in between (especially coffee), I share about the ins and outs of it of it all and the “spilled coffee moments” that simply is LIFE.

And behind all that is me, Jaime, the overthinking, coffee drinking mama of 4 littles. Well, two actual small humans ( I used to call them tiny, but they’re on the upward end of toddlers now…so….they’re still small, but not so tiny…) and two closer to, well, less small and more big side of the growing into bigger humans kiddos.

But, not just any 4 kiddos. These kiddos that have taken me on a roller coaster ride I never, ever expected. You see, my path to motherhood wasn’t exactly easy, or always expected….

Before my oldest was born, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis at the ripe old age of 18, followed by a diagnosis of PCOS in my early-ish twenties.

Two months later, I found out I was pregnant. Surprise!

My husband, of now 15 crazy, amazing, roller coaster of emotion years (and whom I still have a MAD CRUSH on) were thrilled. Okay, I was both terrified AND thrilled.

Becoming a mom was honestly something I’d always wanted, but had been told would most likely be difficult. I had braced myself for an emotional ride.

Aaaannndd…..8 years later, I was on one.

Our second adorable kiddo joined our family through international adoption. She is our spunky and special needs little one that keeps me constantly on my toes.

(You can read more about our adoption journey HERE)

I went from a mama of a singleton, only child for 8 years, to the mama of two, and then SURPRISE! TWINS!….Bam. Mama of 1 to mama of 4 in less than two years. A boy, then a girl, then boy/girl twinnies.

{I know. I’m still processing it all}

And that is pretty much how I Spilled My Coffee came about. I needed a place to process my thoughts while in the trenches. And, more than that, I hope it is also a place that helps to encourage other mamas and dads that might be in the trenches as well. Or simply give you a good laugh as you get a peek inside the crazy world of this coffee loving mama of 4.

I love real. I love honest. I love a good conversation over coffee.

Want to connect more? Join me on Facebook and Twitter to catch more of my #spilledcoffeemoments

So, grab a cuppa and join me. Lets encourage each other through this thing called life and cheer each other on through the highs, the lows, sticky blueberry fingerprints, drama of growing children, tears and tons of laughter through it all.

Lotza’ love & coffee!

6 thoughts on “About

  1. I love blogging. I don’t know how you have/find the time, but I find it therapeutic too. And it’s just fun. BTW… I hide my chocolate on top of the fridge – no judgement here!

  2. Pingback: I Did It {that was kinda scary…} | I Spilled My Coffee

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