One Year


The twins….my babies….are very quickly nearing one year. As in, this week.


I just cannot believe it.

I watched their birth story video {like 5 times in a row…} the other day and cried a big old ugly cry.

I’ve pondered this day in my head a thousand times. Looking forward to it and yet dreading it all at once.

So excited {woohoo, we’ve survived the first year with twins!}. And OhMyHeart sad {for real?!?! The FIRST year birthday is already here?!?!}

I love my babies. SO much. I’ve loved every second….yes, even the super serious, can I make it till daddy gets home?!?! moments….truly.

{and clearly having my fair share of coffee on those loooong days}

All the nursing woes and wonders and fighting hard to make it to 8 months breastfeeding my babies. I had big plans to make it to one year and beyond, but 8 months is where it lasted to {and that is a story for another post}.

All the amazing milestones and discoveries. All the fussy, sleepless nights…..and all that falls between.

I’ve looked forward to celebrating their special day, yet absolutely dreaded it and wanted to pretend it was still several weeks {months?} away.

Wanting to celebrate this amazing, never thought would happen day that rocked my world in the best way, yet not fully being ready for this first year to end and the next stage to begin.

But begin it will and already has. Whether I’m ready or not….

But really I am. I will love it and celebrate it….and be sad about it….all at the same time.

These are my youngest. My last two babies and I know just how insanely fast time flies….their big brother is fast approaching the big age of 11. I swear he was JUST BORN!

I cannot believe that either. But it’s so.

So, ready or not ONE YEAR….here we come!